Who's representing your country?
Samar Suleiman
DIVISION: Open Women
Leila Zahid
  • Age / 25
  • Born / Jeddah
  • Resides in / Jeddah
  • Favorite surf break / Weligama mainpoint
  • Board / NSP hard board 8 foot
  • Sponsors / Almosafer, Jahez
  • Biggest Achievement / Saudi Surfing National Championship 2nd place
  • Hobbies / Cooking, Animal care
Leila Zahid is a 25-year-old surfer from Saudi Arabia who discovered her love for surfing less than a year ago while exploring Morocco. Despite her short time in the sport, she has already achieved notable recognition, earning 2nd place in the Saudi Surfing National Championship. She is constantly honing her technique, seeking to learn from more experienced surfers and coaches

For her, surfing is not just about competition or winning, but also about self-discovery, personal growth, and connecting with nature. She sees surfing as a way to escape the stresses of everyday life and find inner peace and balance.
DIVISION: Open Women
Talah Alfaqeeh
  • Age / 23
  • Born / Jeddah, KSA.
  • Resides in / Jeddah, KSA.
  • Favorite surf break / Weligama main point
  • Board / NSP hard board 7’6
  • Sponsors / Jahez and Almosafer
  • Biggest Achievement / National champion - women category
  • Hobbies / Surfing, rock climbing, hiking, running.
Talah Alfaqeeh is a talented and accomplished professional in the worlds of surfing, finance, and entrepreneurship. Born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Talah discovered a love for surfing at a young age and quickly became a standout in the sport. Her dedication and skill paid off when she became a national champion in 2023, cementing her place as one of the top surfers in the country.
Despite her success in surfing, Talah also had a passion for finance and entrepreneurship. She pursued this interest by studying finance in university and going on to work in the investment industry. Talah's financial expertise eventually led her to the world of startups and venture capital, where she found a new way to combine her love of business with her passion for innovation.
In addition to her professional pursuits, Talah is also an avid traveler and outdoors enthusiast. She enjoys hiking and rock climbing in her free time, always seeking out new adventures and challenges. Talah's spirit of adventure and determination have served her well throughout her life, both in and out of the water.
Overall, Talah Alfaqeeh is a driven and multi-talented individual who has achieved success in a variety of fields. Her dedication to surfing, finance, and entrepreneurship, as well as her love of travel and adventure, have all played a key role in shaping her remarkable life.
Mohammed Kurdi
  • Age / 34
  • Born / Jeddah
  • Resides in / Jeddah
  • Board / JS
  • Hobbies / Surfing
Stoked to participate in the ISA and represent Saudi
Hussain Alzaki
  • Age / 32
  • Born / Seahat
  • Resides in / Seahat
  • Favorite surf break / Point break
  • Board / no preference
  • Sponsors / La Vida.
  • Hobbies / Surfing, skating, Boxing, enjoying life.
My first green wave was in Jaco beach, Costa Rica in 2020, that was a dream come true. My journey in Surfing is just starting. Today, you may not see me the best, but you will find me a champion tomorrow. #Dream big.
Rakan Tarabzouni
  • Age / 36
  • Born / Dhahan, Saudi Arabia
  • Resides in / Dhahan, Saudi Arabia
  • Favorite surf break / Hirikita, Sri Lanka
  • Board / Lost/Mayhem Rad Ripper
  • Sponsors / Jahez, AlMosafer
  • Biggest Achievement / 2nd Saudi National Championship
  • Hobbies / Snowboarding
Borned and raised in Saudi Arabia

Started surfing Novemeber 2022 and I hope to pathe the way for the younger generations in Saudi to compete in Surfing and help grow the surfing community.
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