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How to compete

How to compete

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Interested in surfing for your national team?

Read the FAQ below to find out how the process works.



Frequently Asked Questions
  • I am an athlete interested in competing at an ISA World Championship. How do I enter?

      All National Teams are selected by their respective Member Federation. If you are an athlete interested in competing at an ISA World Championship, you must first contact your Member Federation and inquire about their qualification process. CLICK HERE to view the Member Directory that lists contact information for each Member Federation. The ISA does not enter athletes into a World Championship unless directed to do so by the Member Federation.

  • What country am I allowed to compete for?

      A competitor may only represent a country if he/she holds a passport or national identification card issued by the national government of that country. A national identification card must clearly show nationality or citizenship of the country.

  • If I am a resident in a country, is that enough to be eligible to compete for that country?

      No. Permanent residency does not prove nationality.


  • If I have competed at an ISA World Championship before and would like to represent a different country moving forward, what do I have to do?

      If an ISA Athlete has dual-nationality, has formerly competed at an ISA World Championship for a National Team, and wishes to represent their alternative nation moving forward, a Change of Nation Request must be submitted to the ISA by the Applying Member Federation. The ISA Technical Committee (first) and Executive Committee (afterwards) then review and approve (or not) this one-time change, assuming that all requirements are met. Please CLICK HERE for more details regarding Change of Nation Requests.

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