Who's representing your country?
DIVISION: Under 16
Alvaro De La Fuente
  • Age / 17
  • Height / 60cm
  • Born / Santander
  • Resides in / Santander
  • Board / Liencres beach
  • Sponsors / Pukas, quiksilver , sex wax, creatures of leisure, Finn puller
  • Biggest Achievement / 3th campeonato de España
  • Hobbies / Listen to music
I'm grateful to be here in Brazil with the team! Can't wait to put the jersey here
DIVISION: Under 18
Alfonso Suárez
  • Age / 17
  • Height / 175cm
  • Born / Gijón
  • Resides in / Gijón
  • Board / Lowers trestles
  • Sponsors / Olaian, ultratraction, neopreneclean, cookcinando, Skoolsurf, goldbeach
  • Biggest Achievement / 3rd of spain
  • Hobbies / Skate
Es un honor poder representar a mi país en un evento tan importante como este, pienso hacerlo lo mejor posible para dejar a mi equipo lo más arriba 
DIVISION: Under 16
Annette Gonzalez Etxabarri
  • Age / 16
  • Height / 148cm
  • Born / Zumaia
  • Resides in / Zumaia
  • Favorite surf break / Orrua
  • Board / Cabianca
  • Sponsors / Roxy
  • Biggest Achievement / Campeona de España
  • Hobbies / Farra, Amigas
I am 15 years old and From the Basque Country
DIVISION: Under 16
Martina Escobar
DIVISION: Under 16
Sol Boreli
DIVISION: Under 18
Ibone Gomez
  • Age / 17
  • Height / 150cm
  • Born / Leioa
  • Resides in / Leioa
  • Favorite surf break / Somo
  • Board / 5,6
  • Sponsors / Prosurf Sooruz. Raw. Yow
  • Hobbies / Surf and skate
I start doing surf when i was 5. Doing championships with 7.
DIVISION: Under 16
Dylan Donegan
DIVISION: Under 16
Hans Odriozola
  • Age / 15
  • Height / 168cm
  • Born / San Sebastián
  • Resides in / San Sebastián
  • Favorite surf break / Lowers
  • Board / Lost Pocket Rocket 5’4
  • Sponsors / Ripcurl, Pukas, Edp, Fcs, Oakley, Stickybumps,
  • Biggest Achievement / x4 Spanish Champion, 3rd in a WSL pro junior contest, 4th in the ISA World Junior Surfing Games 2022
  • Hobbies / Surfing, Skating
I am 15 years old, from the Basque Country
DIVISION: Under 18
Kai Odriozola
  • Age / 18
  • Height / 178cm
  • Born / San Sebastián
  • Resides in / San Sebastián
  • Favorite surf break / Gros
  • Board / Pukas mayhem
  • Sponsors / Ripcurl, EDP, FCS, pukas
  • Biggest Achievement / Grom search European champion
  • Hobbies / Surf
I am a 16 year old surfer from the Basque Country in northern Spain. I always surf with my brother Hans who is two years younger who is competing in under 16, every surf with him is like a heat and we push each other a lot. My home spot is Zurriola Beach in San Sebastian. I am very competitive and I can't wait to surf against the best surfers of my age from all over the world in the World Junior Championships.
DIVISION: Under 18
Conor Donegan
DIVISION: Under 18
Enara Palacios
  • Age / 17
  • Height / 167cm
  • Born / San Sebastián
  • Resides in / San Sebastián
  • Favorite surf break / La Zurriola (home)
  • Board / Black Angel 2, Glassing Monkey
  • Sponsors / glassing monkey, surflogic, whiteagles
  • Biggest Achievement / European junior champ gromsearch u16
  • Hobbies / Listen to music, meet with friends, being in the beach
A surfer from San Sebastián. My home spot is La Zurriola
DIVISION: Under 18
Janire Gonzalez Etxabarri
  • Age / 18
  • Height / 163cm
  • Born / Zumaia
  • Resides in / Zumaia
  • Favorite surf break / Orrua
  • Board / Cabianca 5’5 DFK
  • Sponsors / Roxy, Cabianca, Creatures Sex Wax
  • Biggest Achievement / 2x European Junior Cham
  • Hobbies / Have fun with friends
i am a 17 years old surfer girl from the Basque County 
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