Who's representing your country?
DIVISION: Under 16 Boys
Tomas Kucera
  • Age / 11
  • Born / Prague
  • Resides in / Prague
  • Favorite surf break / Green bowl
  • Board / Almeric happy
  • Sponsors / High Jump cliff diving
  • Biggest Achievement / Bali Big Wejf
  • Hobbies / Guitar, chess, florbal, bike, slackline, skateboard
Name: Tomáš Kučera

Born: 5/3/2013 in Prague Podolí

Nationality: Czech Republic


2015 – 2019 Bukit Sunrise School – Bali

2020 - 2024 FZŠ Umělecká - Prague 7

Active sports: surfing, surfskate, slacklane, floorball

Sports passively: skateboard, football, bicycle, freestyle scooter, inline skating, swimming, basketball, ping pong, chess

Skills: Swims from the age of 2, catches waves by himself at the age of 7, plays chess from the age of 5

Active languages: Czech language, English language

Language passively: Bahasa Indonesia
DIVISION: Under 16 Boys
Sebastian Celak
  • Age / 15
  • Born / Prague
  • Resides in / Prague
  • Favorite surf break / Ribeira D´Ilhas
  • Board / Luke surfboards
  • Sponsors / no
  • Biggest Achievement / semifinals at czech surfing contest at Sri Lanka
  • Hobbies / surfskate, fishing and traveling
Born in Czech Republic in 2008. I started surfing in Portugal when I was 10 years old. I liked surfing so much that I decided to start training and competing in the age of 14.  Mostly I surf in Ericeira in Portugal, but I have also surfed in Sri Lanka, Senegal and in few other countries. My dream surftrip is Hawaii and Maldives.
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