Who's representing your country?
DIVISION: Under 18 Girls
Aysha Ratto
  • Age / 17
  • Born / Búzios
  • Resides in / Búzios
  • Favorite surf break / Geriba - Búzios , Recreio - Rio de Janeiro, pontal - Baia Formosa
  • Board / Udo Bastos 5’6 FULLCARBON
  • Sponsors / Hotel Le Relais La Borie, Udo Bastos, Ecompany, OFS, Geriba surf, Pizão odontologia, Mahalo Photography, Maui Hamburgueria, açaí de Geriba.
  • Biggest Achievement / 3ª Colocada etapa Saquarema brasileiro profissional. 7 títulos estaduais. 7 pedios Brasileiro amador.
  • Hobbies / Desenhar, skate.
Aysha Ratto, 16 anos.

Local da praia de Geriba - Búzios, locada no recreio dos bandeirantes atualmente.

Moro com meu técnico de surf Raphael Rodriguez.

Surf é minha vida e minha maior diversão. 
DIVISION: Under 18 Girls
Alexia Monteiro
  • Age / 17
  • Born / GAROPABA
  • Resides in / GAROPABA
  • Favorite surf break / PRAIA DA SILVEIRA
  • Board / Praia do silveira
  • Sponsors / Don’t have
  • Biggest Achievement / Brazilian Champion SUB 16 and World Champion Team ISA JÚNIOR 2023
  • Hobbies / Play basketball
Sou Alexia Leal Monteiro, moro em Garopaba Sc, sou campeã brasileira sub 16, top 10 da elite do surf profissional brasileiro (dream tour),ano passado fiquei em 7 lugar no Isa de 2023 e fui campeã com a equipe Brasil ! vou para minha terceira temporada havaiana em 2024, tenho como objetivo ser campeã mundial.
DIVISION: Under 18 Boys
Luan Ferreyra
  • Age / 17
  • Born / Porto de Galinhas Pernambuco
  • Resides in / Porto de Galinhas Pernambuco
  • Favorite surf break / Praia do Borete
  • Board / Tokoro
  • Sponsors / Pena, secco surfboards,red nose, truzz, ems medicamentos, unaí pousada, prefeitura do ipojuca, soulfins
  • Biggest Achievement / brazilian champion
  • Hobbies / tall
My name is Luan Ferreyra, I'm 17 years old, I started surfing at Cupe beach in Porto de Galinhas Pernambuco, I started competing when I was 11 years old, this is the second time I've participated in the ISA and I'm very happy for the opportunity to represent the Brazil once again, last year we were champions and I hope this feat will be done again
DIVISION: Under 16 Boys
Pablo Silva
  • Age / 15
  • Born / Cabo frio rj
  • Resides in / Cabo frio rj
  • Favorite surf break / Gabriel Medina
  • Board / ?
  • Sponsors / Monster, Rip curl Brasil, Ricardo Martins
  • Biggest Achievement / Bicampeão Rip curl grom seach
  • Hobbies / Surfa
Bicampeão Rip curl grom seach no Brasil 

Bicampeão estadual 
DIVISION: Under 16 Girls
Maria Eduarda Andrade Cesar
  • Age / 15
  • Born / Serra Grande
  • Resides in / Serra Grande
  • Favorite surf break / regular waves
  • Board / 5’6
  • Sponsors / Rip Curl , CQCS, Moanesurfboard, Alessandro Caribe, threehousesurfdivision
  • Biggest Achievement / brazilian under 16 championship
  • Hobbies / Skateboarding and play instruments
Maria Eduarda, from Brazil in the state of Bahia
DIVISION: Under 16 Girls
Aurora Ribeiro
  • Age / 15
  • Born / São Paulo
  • Resides in / São Paulo
  • Favorite surf break / Ondas com um metro e meio direita e esquerda abrindo encaixadinha perdeita
  • Board / Canal off
  • Biggest Achievement / Girls Best strick
  • Hobbies / Adoro fazer crochê e todos os artesanato que existem
Comecei a surfar competitivamente as 9 anos de idade na escolinha municipal de surf de Ubatuba  são Paulo,desde então peguei gosto e sigo na trajetória,porém já ficava em pé na prancha aos 3 anos de idade.
DIVISION: Under 16 Boys
Ryan Cardoso Martins
  • Age / 16
  • Born / Florianópolis
  • Resides in / Florianópolis
  • Favorite surf break / Praia da Vila
  • Board / SHARPEYE
  • Sponsors / Hurley
  • Biggest Achievement / 3° colocado Sub16 circuito brasileiro CBSURF
  • Hobbies / Fishing and football
Meu objetivo é me tornar um surfista profissional e viajar o mundo em busca das melhores ondas do planeta representando meu país no circuito mundial!
DIVISION: Under 16 Boys
Levi Silva
  • Age / 15
  • Born / Baia Formosa
  • Resides in / Baia Formosa
  • Favorite surf break / Pontal
  • Board / Tenan surfboards
  • Sponsors / Tenan, Rubber Stick acessories, C-four suplly , Projeto Swell Storm
  • Biggest Achievement / Qualifying for ISA
  • Hobbies / Football
I am 15 years old and I am from a small village in northeast Brazil called Baia Formosa, same village of Italo Ferreira.

Now I am living in São Paulo state in southeast Brazil, in a city called Guaruja.

It is big chance for my developing
DIVISION: Under 18 Girls
Ana Luiza Silva
  • Age / 17
  • Born / Baia da Traição
  • Resides in / Baia da Traição
  • Favorite surf break / Baia Formosa
  • Board / Pranchas TBC
  • Sponsors / Pranchas TBC
  • Biggest Achievement / Taça Brasil Baía Formosa
  • Hobbies / Surf
Analu Silva, atleta destaque da base do surfe feminino. Desde muito nova se inspira em grandes nomes do surfe e garante cada vez mais experiência com seu surfe afiado!
DIVISION: Under 18 Boys
Rafael Barbosa
  • Age / 18
  • Born / Praia da Pipa - Timbau do Sul - Rio Grande do Norte
  • Resides in / Praia da Pipa - Timbau do Sul - Rio Grande do Norte
  • Favorite surf break / Pontal - Baia Formosa
  • Board / 5,6 - Swallow - Malolo Surfboards
  • Sponsors / Malolo Surfboards - Barco Solemio - Santa Tereza Surf / Kite Shop -
  • Biggest Achievement / 2021 - Brasiliam Champion SUb 16
  • Hobbies / Pescar - Fishing
He from the same state and the same area if Jadson Andre, Italo Ferreira, Joca Junior, Marcelo Nunes and others.
DIVISION: Under 16 Girls
Luara Mandelli
  • Age / 16
  • Resides in / MATINHOS PARANÁ
  • Favorite surf break / PICO DE MATINHOS
  • Sponsors / Mormaii, Banco Topazio, Clear Correct , Ademicon, Pacco, Above, atleta comitê olímpico brasileiro , True Sourch , Geração Olimpica, Campo largo, Arenque, Canal woohoo, Momentum, Expans, Club Candeias
  • Biggest Achievement / 2023 UNDER 14 BRASILIAM CHAMPION, 2023 3º QS 1000 PUNTA ROCAS OPEN PRO
  • Hobbies / Play ball on the beach, watch series, read books
Luara Mandelli is 15 years old, she was Brazilian champion at 14, this will be her second ISA, she was part of the Brazilian team in 2023, taking gold in teams and 13th place in the individual, she learned to surf since she was little at Pico de Matinhos. Peterson Rosa, Peterson Crisanto, jihad Khodr and Bruna Schmitz are from the same region, local athletes who she has as idols. 
DIVISION: Under 16 Boys
Rickson Falcão
  • Age / 16
  • Born / Saquarema
  • Resides in / Saquarema
  • Board / Xxxxx
  • Biggest Achievement / Classificação Isa games e 2 ranking da CBSURF sub 18
Seleção brasileira junior
7 x estadual Rio de Janeiro Feserj 
2 ranking cbsurf sub 18
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