51 nations united in peace
Select any country name to view their team roster and learn more about our competing athletes.
DIVISION: Open Women
Camille Kindt
  • Age / 22
  • Height / 1.65
  • Born / Bredene
  • Favorite surf break / Playa Santa Teresa
  • Board / Pukas Tasty Treat
  • Sponsors / Roxy, UTL (under the lighthouse)
  • Biggest Achievement / Belgian Champion in longboard (2020)/shortboard (2015/2016) women
  • Hobbies / Surfing, (beach)volleyball and enjoying life with friends.
Hola! I'm Camille but you can say Camilla. I learned how to surf by my older brother Achile and my cousin Arne. I began with shortboarding but recently started longboarding for a local surfsop Under The Lighthouse and I love it.  I study in Ghent and I'm in my last year of my bachelor degree in physical education and outdoor. Besides studying I love to hang out with my flatmates and friends to discover our city during the day and at night.  I also play volleyball and I really like to dance and sing but sadly I'm horrible at both of them.  In summer I work as a surf teacher in my hometown. I love to travel and discovering new places. My all time favourite restaurant in Belgium is still Pizzeria Piano Piano and their new project Punta Pura run by an amazing family. I'm so happy to be here and that my parents support me. It's my first time in El Salvador and I'm really excited to surf challenging waves again. In Belgium we only have few good days, most of the time in winter when its freezing, so epic waves and surfing in bikini will be feeling like a dream come true. I'm looking forward to see all the amazing surfers from all around the world and I hope everyone will stays safe during the whole competition. Un abrazo  Camilla 
Dean Vandewalle
  • Age / 19
  • Height / 1.8
  • Born / tamarindo
  • Favorite surf break / witches rock
  • Board / Pukas
  • Sponsors / Hurley, Pukas , Da Kine , Pure CBD
  • Biggest Achievement / Belgium champ
  • Hobbies / surf , workout
My name is Dean Vandewalle, but everyone calls me Deano. On January 8th 2002, I was born in Ghent, Belgium. I am the youngest of four siblings and also the only boy. My dad taught me and my three sisters, Morane, Allison and Malia, how to surf.
Before my 7th birthday, my family and I packed up our summer clothes and moved to sunny Costa Rica. We already visited the country when I was only a few months old. I was barely speaking my firsts words and I was already in and around the ocean. With my dad spending all his free time in the sea, it was only natural that I followed his footsteps. Even before I was born, my mom surfed with me in her belly. For as long as I can remember, the beach and the ocean were always a big part of my life.
The first time I was on a surfboard, I was only two years old. My dad took me out, pushed me into small, little waves, and as a team, I got better with every wave. It was on my 9th birthday that I got my very own surfboard and finally surfed all by myself. That was also when I started to compete and only a couple months later, I won my first contest of the Costa Rican National Circuito. From that moment on, I surfed everywhere and anything I could. From Costa Rica to France, I competed with the best in my category. There was only one problem: my poor eyesight. That was when my dad made custom prescription glasses to wear in the water, which helped me so much more with my surfing career.
In the summer of 2016 I finally could start using contatcs and that has been a major step forwards . 
I have a great group of friends who I surf with almost everyday at our local spots in Tamarindo, Langosta, Playa Negra etc. I am really lucky to be able to take trips to great waves in Pavones, The Caribbean, Ollies point, Witches Rock etc. 
I am really stoked to be part of the Hurley  team . Hurley is a global leading surf brand and supports some of my heroes Julian Wilson, Kolohe Andino, Filipe Toledo and Carissa Moore. 
Thanks to the Pukas and Axel Lorentz for shaping me sick boards and to PureCbd and Dakine for your support . 
Jack Verbraeken
  • Age / 22
  • Height / 1.9
  • Born / Knokke
  • Favorite surf break / Surfers Paradise in Belgium
  • Board / CI - Rook 15
  • Sponsors / Quiksilver
  • Biggest Achievement / 15th on Eurosurf
  • Hobbies / Film
Mention that my brother Jim should watch the webcast together with his 4 month old daughter, Millie, which is also my godchild. 
Matisse Verworst
  • Age / 20
  • Height / 1.86
  • Born / Brugge
  • Favorite surf break / Supertubos
  • Board / DHD DX1
  • Sponsors / srface, razman surfboards
  • Hobbies / any type of sport
I'm 20 years old,i started surfing only 5 years ago. i have been living in Peniche Portugal for the past 3 years. in started doing the qs this year.  
DIVISION: Open Women
Régine Ruppol
  • Age / 47
  • Height / 1.63
  • Born / Bruxelles
  • Favorite surf break / Martinique
  • Board / Truster en 5'9
  • Sponsors / Zandoli surf club
  • Biggest Achievement / Championne de Belgique
  • Hobbies / Surf
J'ai commencé le surf tardivement car en belgique, ce n'est pas le sport le plus connu. Il y a 15 ans je me suis expatriée en Martinique pour vivre pleinement ma passion mais ce n'est que depuis 5 ans que je me suis impliquée plus intensément dans cette discipline. Je suis très contente de pouvoir vivre une telle expérience où je pourrai cotoyer les plus grands et je l'espère faire de belles rencontres avec ceux et celles qui se sont battus pour pouvoir accéder au surf.
DIVISION: Open Women
Rheanna Rosenbaum
  • Age / 19
  • Height / 1.63
  • Born / De Haan
  • Favorite surf break / Chickens, Maldives
  • Board / MG Surboards
  • Sponsors / MG surfboards, Feather fins, Liive sunglasses
  • Hobbies / Surfing, skiing, skating, swimming, fishing, soccer, hanging out with friends.
Hi, my name is Rheanna. I'm 17 years old and live on the Belgian coast. Ever since I was a little girl I have always loved sports. The first time I stood on a surfboard I was 9, but only when I was 14 I started surfing more often. I grew up surfing with my brothers and all the boys. They really pushed me to become a better surfer, I remember always wanting to be better than them. Occasionally, we have surfable waves in Belgium, but I usually have to travel during holidays to train. I love traveling the world, getting to meet new people and surfing good waves.
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