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DIVISION: Para Surf Stand 1
Mike Richard Vaz
  • Age / 39
  • Born / Guaruja
  • Favorite surf break / Bali
  • Board / shortboard 5'10
  • Sponsors / Bully's e Prefeitura Municipal de Santos
  • Biggest Achievement / Amp Surf ISA 2020
  • Hobbies / Fishing
Meu nome é Mike Richard, filho do renomado artesão de pranchas Shaper Isaac de Souza Vaz, meu nome vem em homenagem ao 4x Campeão Mundial Mark Richards uma lenda viva dos anos 70 ao início dos anos 80. Vivendo dentro desta sinergia alucinante que é o surf, comecei a surfar com apenas 5 anos de idade, brincando e aprendendo os primeiros passos com meu pai. Eu gostava cada vez mais do esporte, até que um dia começamos a fazer experiências com competições. Depois de uma carreira bem construída, colecionei 312 troféus. Durante essa carreira promissora saí das categorias juvenis até chegar à categoria principal do surfe, sendo reconhecido como Surfista Profissional. Acredito que hoje sou um verdadeiro guerreiro de superação de dificuldades, pois tive minha carreira interrompida após um acidente de moto que esmagou tendões e ligamentos do ombro, perdendo quase toda a movimentação do braço, fui obrigado a superar muitos desafios, entre várias operações cirúrgicas e sessões prolongadas de fisioterapia. Continuo com a minha vida a surfar e a ensinar a surfar, pois cada vez mais consigo participar regularmente na vida de crianças, jovens e adultos que têm o sonho de aprender a surfar. Totalmente vencido, desenvolvi algumas técnicas usando apenas um braço para fazer o que mais gosto na vida, que é surfar, ensinar e competir.
DIVISION: Para Surf Stand 1
Jonathan De Borba
  • Age / 27
  • Born / Itajaí
  • Favorite surf break / Huntington Beach
  • Board / Thruster
  • Sponsors / Palm Seed, ALS Transportes, NDI, Santacosta
  • Biggest Achievement / 2nd world adaptive championship
  • Hobbies / Skate, snowboarding
I was born in Itajaí, Santa Catarina, I surf since I was 7, and my arm deficiency never stop me from catching perfect waves. 

I was born with congenital malfunction, and always felt I could do anything. The first sport I tried was skate, surf, capoeira, jiu jitsu and others but surfing felt the best one.

Today I collect over 47 title but most important ones are 2 x second place on the world champion adaptive, 2 x South America champion, 2018 Brasilian champion, 2017 Sc State Champion. 
I feel blessed for this opportunity and thank you all my sponsors and ISA
DIVISION: Para Surf Stand 1
Malu Mendes
  • Age / 28
  • Born / Guaruja
  • Favorite surf break / Tombo
  • Board / Thruster
  • Sponsors / Zmatch Cabianca Surfboards Vida Marinha Nivana Tur Silver Bay
  • Biggest Achievement / World champion
  • Hobbies / Skate
I am so happy to be here at the ISA World Parasurfing Championship!!!
DIVISION: Para Surf Stand 2
Pablo Ortiz De Aguiar
  • Age / 39
  • Born / Porto Alegre
  • Favorite surf break / Morro das Pedras
  • Board / Shortboard 6´0´´
  • Biggest Achievement / 3° Colocado Brasil Surf Adapt - Porto Nave Pro
  • Hobbies / Surf e Natação
Pablo Ortiz de Aguiar 39 years old. Adapted surfer with 16cm gap between the legs. Current Brazilian champion in the stand 2 category, Porto Nave Pro event in Navegantes Santa Catarina Brazil and 2020 champion in the Praia do Campeche stage. He narrated the stage of Invitation Kizu at WSL Brasil WQS 3000 points. Layback Pro Praia Mole.
DIVISION: Para Surf Stand 3
Alcino Neto
  • Age / 52
  • Born / Hawaii
  • Favorite surf break / Vland
  • Board / New
  • Biggest Achievement / ISA world champion
  • Hobbies / Bike
I have nothing to talk about me, just adaptive surfing.
DIVISION: Para Surf Kneel
Henrique Saraiva
  • Age / 42
  • Born / Rio de Janeiro
  • Favorite surf break / Leblon
  • Board / Kneeboard 5'6'' (handmade by Rafinha)
  • Sponsors / Hayman-Woodward
  • Biggest Achievement / 2018 ISA World Champion - AS2 Division
  • Hobbies / Play with other people dogs
Henrique started to surf with kneeboard in 1999, two years after being shot in a robbery in Rio de Janeiro (in which his bicycle was stolen).

In 2007, with a group of friends, he founded the NGO Adaptsurf, which gives free adapted surf lessons on weekends on the beaches of Rio.

Henrique competed in all editions of the ISA, making 3 finals and becoming champion in 2018.

In November (last month) Henrique was invited by Fellipe Kizu to do an adaptive surfing presentation at the WQS at Praia Mole, in Florianópolis. The presentation was made in hard conditions (6-8 foot) with the beach crowded and live broadcast, bringing great repercussion and a lot of admiration from those who watched. Was an opportuitty to show that adaptive surfers can also surf in hard conditions.
DIVISION: Para Surf Sit
Fellipe Kizu Lima
  • Age / 34
  • Born / Florianopolis
  • Favorite surf break / Moçambique
  • Board / New impact
  • Sponsors / Lay back , jumper , AO paddles , the search house
  • Biggest Achievement / 3x ISA world champion
  • Hobbies / Diving
Fellipe kizu Lima surfista adaptado de Waveski ,3x campeão mundial ISA, 2x usopen e 2x campeão Hawaii, nasceu em Belo Horizonte  sempre foi adepto de esportes como skate e surf se apaixonando pelo surfe desde criança ,aos 18 anos caiu de uma varanda e quebrou a coluna ficando paraplégico mas não se abalou e buscou uma forma de voltar a surfar quando descobriu o Waveski e focando na modalidade aonde se adaptou muito bem e se tornando o primeiro campeão mundial da história do surf adaptado e conquistou vários títulos internacionais  , hoje morando em Florianópolis surfa todo dia e prática vários esportes adaptados como mergulho, wingsurf , foil , e canoagem .
DIVISION: Para Surf Prone 1
Davi Teixeira
  • Age / 16
  • Born / Rio de Janeiro
  • Favorite surf break / Restinga da Marambaia Río de Janeiro
  • Board / 6’4 surfboard
  • Sponsors / Oi; Secretaria de Esporte Rio de Janeiro; BDO; Água da Montanha
  • Biggest Achievement / Gold Medal 2016 ISA World Adaptive Surfing
  • Hobbies / Surf, Skate
I would like everyone to know that Jesus will always be the first one in my life. It’s all for him and about him.
DIVISION: Para Surf Prone 2
Monique Oliveira
  • Age / 34
  • Born / Río de Janeiro
  • Favorite surf break / Postinho barra da Tijuca
  • Board / 6’2 funboard
  • Sponsors / Secretaria de esporte do estado do Río de Janeiro
  • Biggest Achievement / Copper medal in 2017 stance world ISA adaptve surfing
  • Hobbies / Estudy about quantum physics and behavior therapy
Hello everyone! My name is Monique Oliveira, and I am an athlete and a therapist with cerebral palsy. Practicing sports helped me a lot with autonomy and self confidence. 

Nowadays, I am studying to be an therapist, and help other people to seek their goals, just like me.
DIVISION: Para Surf VI-2
Miguel Flavio
  • Age / 23
  • Born / Guaruja
  • Favorite surf break / Praia Branca
  • Board / Shortboard, tri fins
  • Sponsors / Ernesto Tzirulnik Advocacia, Battella Lasmar e Silva Sociedade de Advogados e IREE Instituto para reforma do estado e empresas.
  • Biggest Achievement / None
  • Hobbies / Surf, soccer.
I'm a surfer from Praia Branca, i'm 23 years old and i like to spend the time surfing or playing soccer with my friends.

My principal objective is to be world champion, and represent my country.
DIVISION: Para Surf VI 1
Elias Diel
  • Age / 48
  • Born / balneario camboriu Santa Catarina state
  • Favorite surf break / camboriu
  • Board / Lora surfboards
  • Sponsors / Lora surfboards, Santa Costa, Portonave, CT, cidade de balneario camboriu
  • Biggest Achievement / silver ISA para surf
  • Hobbies / yoga teacher, BJJ black belt, climbing....
its my 4th time tryng the gold medal, I have multiple silver and copper medals....I try my very best and the result belongs to the universe OM, 
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