Amazing Opening Ceremony for the 2022 Surf City El Salvador ISA World Junior Surfing Championship

May 27th, 2022

45 teams gathered to celebrate the kickoff of the ISA World Juniors. Photo: ISA / Michael Rodriguez

419 of the world’s best junior surfers, representing 45 national teams, celebrated the opening of the 2022 Surf City El Salvador ISA World Junior Surfing Championship. It will crown Boys and Girls U-18 and U-16 World Champions in the coming days.

The iconic Sands of the World Ceremony highlighted the proceedings, with a member from each team pouring sand from their local beach into a transparent box, symbolizing the peaceful gathering of nations of the world through surfing.

The international delegations received a warm welcome from El Salvador Tourism Minister Morena Valdez and the Salvadoran people, who have invested heavily in the sport of surfing and in Surf City El Salvador as a world-class surf destination. A passionate surfer, Minister Valdez, encouraged each of the competitors to experience El Salvador diverse beauty.

ISA President, Fernando Aguerre, said:

“This is the United Nations of surfing, here, today, for the rest of the world! Today we are showing the world, and especially the leaders of the world, the power of love, the power of peace, the power of empathy. Surfing can change the world.”

“We don’t need no more wars, we don’t need no more haters, we don’t need no more violence because all we need is love. You are the future of the ISA. You are the future of surfing and you are the future of a better world.”

ISA President, Fernando Aguerre gave a message of love to the Juniors. Photo: ISA / Pablo Franco

Morena Valdez, Minister of Tourism, said:

“All of you have come from such far lands and you have come because you have a dream. You have the dream to surf, to have fun, to become the best surfer, to be at this Championship and you know that surf is development and surf is life.”

“I want to tell all of you that you are always welcome. We will always receive you with the same warmth and kindness of our people.”

“Thank you, President Bukele, for making surfing a developing sport in our country; for making surf a lifestyle and not only a sport, and for making surf the door of development for our country.”

Continuing the warm welcome, President Fernando Aguerre shared his extensive energy with the crowd, which included all team members and staff for the first time since the pandemic started.

Finishing with a rousing rendition of the official ISA song “A Better World Through Surfing” and the flags of 45 teams waving on stage, Fernando joyously declared the Championship open.

The 2022 Surf City El Salvador ISA World Junior Surfing Championship will be broadcast live May 27 – June 5 on, from 7:30am to 5pm, El Salvador time GMT – 6.

The event schedule is as follows:

May 28 – June 5 – Competition at La Bocana and El Sunzal

June 5 – Closing Ceremony at El Sunzal following the close of competition

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